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Download Lakeer Ka Fakeer movie 720p Lakeer Ka Fakeer is a 2017 Pakistani film directed by Bilal Lashari and produced by Asad ul Hasan. The movie features Amna Ilyas, Hamza Ali Abbasi and Kubra Khan in lead roles. The film was released on Eid al-Adha 1438 AH 29 September 2017 worldwide. Lakeer ka fakeer is an excellent Pakistani hindi film of the year 2017, which has been directed by one of the best directors in Pakistan Mr Bilal Lashari who is famous for making good quality films like Waar etc., this latest production also has some excellent acting which makes it even more enjoyable to watch. The story of the film revolves around a little girl, who is kidnapped and raised by a man who thinks he is the real father of the girl. The movie has really good and clean story lines along with great acting by everyone in the movie. Download Lakeer Ka Fakeer movie 720p On 18 November 2017 it was confirmed that after extensive research, it was decided that Pakistan Film Censor Board had banned all scenes featuring lead actress Hamza Ali Abbasi. Producer Asad Ul Hasan said in an interview with Samaa TV, "We were informed by letter to remove certain scenes from the film. We are working on editing them out but are yet to receive any official notice. The censor board, however, has asked us to submit the movie for inspection once the changes are made". This is a list of awards and nominations received by Lakeer Ka Fakeer.The film was released on 29 September 2017 in Pakistan with 3,000 screens worldwide. Download Lakeer Ka Fakeer movie 720p Lakeer Ka Fakeer is an excellent Pakistani hindi film of the year 2017, which has been directed by one of the best directors in Pakistan Mr Bilal Lashari who is famous for making good quality films like Waar etc., this latest production also has some excellent acting which makes it even more enjoyable to watch. The story of the film revolves around a little girl, who is kidnapped and raised by a man who thinks he is the real father of the girl. The movie has really good and clean story lines along with great acting by everyone in the movie. Lakeer Ka Fakeer full hd video song Lakeer Ka Fakeer released 3rd October 2017 in Vietnam which was a limited release. With a clear message against child trafficking, this film opened to a limited release in Vietnam on 3rd October 2017, while full release will be just next week on 10th October 2017. The film will have an International premiere at Film Fest Ljubljana on 29 November 2017. Download Lakeer Ka Fakeer Full Video Song Lakeer Ka Fakeer is a 2017 Pakistani film directed by Bilal Lashari and produced by Asad ul Hasan. The movie features Amna Ilyas, Hamza Ali Abbasi and Kubra Khan in lead roles. The film was released on Eid al-Adha 1438 AH 29 September 2017 worldwide. The story of the film revolves around a little girl, who is kidnapped and raised by a man who thinks he is the real father of the girl. The movie has really good and clean story lines along with great acting by everyone in the movie. cfa1e77820